Convert Subtask to a Task
Tony Pham
Jennifer Love Carey
I accidentally made a separate post about this so I'll just add it here. Sometimes I want to drag a bunch of related tasks under one master task and make those become subtasks. Other times I want to go the other direction and pull out a subtask to make it a master task with subtasks beneath it.
Ashiq Nazir
Being able to drag and drop a subtask to become a "normal" task would be excellent.
Karim Mneimneh
Convert task to subtask
Tetiana Bilokin
I often come up with ideas /tasks and quickly add them from mobile. Later when I organize them, I realize those ideas are actually parts of a bigger task. I now cut - paste them into subtasks, but it would be great to turn them into subtasks.
Tony Pham
under review
To keep it from getting complicated, adding 'Convert to task' in the edit menu would be ideal.
Weybec Studio
sounds legit , but with current design you can do that by creating tags according to your task , create a tag for landing page , contact page , info page etc ... then when you create cards, just assign those tags , by doing this , you can have category wise subtask attached to each of your tags ,
Jack S.
Won't this get too complicated❓