🧠AI (artificial intelligence)
Jack S.
The use of Artificial Intelligence in Upbase.
- https://www.taskade.com/blog/introducing-taskade-ai/
- https://www.notion.so/product/ai
- https://youtu.be/FElBbgnNtVA
Use of ChatGPT
Jack S.
Jack S.
First AI implementations.
AI support for Docs is coming in the next few weeks.
Jack S.
Jack S.
It would be nice to have the option to use other AI APIs as well.
For example, Google AI:
Jack S.
Access knowledge from GPT-4 & Claude
Find answers from Upbase … and Slack, Google Drive & more
Create & edit docs in your own style
Get insights from PDFs & images
Jack S.
keven johnson
Some Ideas :)
Not sure if anyone has mentioned OpenRouter. To open it up to any LLM, I think Openrouter may be a good solution. You prepay and have access to a plethora of ai models.
- see here: https://openrouter.ai/models
Being able to select the ai model in the settings that will be used globally throughout the platform. Being able to enter the keys for each model when its added.
If you chose to use a default model which ever is decided upon and used in Upbase, obviously make it a paid feature. Just having the Ai capabilities will convert free accounts and the standard paid accounts into additional paying accounts.
Would it be possible to make it an addon or an upgrade? Or if your own key is brought, have a flat monthly fee to cover the dev costs for implementation?
What about creating a 3rd tier? Free, Paid Standard, Paid Pro w/ Ai features ?
Sorry some may frown at that.
In the paid feature a way to turn the ai features on or off for certain functions. much like being able to turn on certain features in each list.
leads into this...
Perhaps introduce the Ai into these areas first. Anywhere where the " / " function is accessible.
- The Daily, Weekly, & Notepad section of Upbase.
- Docs tab when typing " / " Adding the section for ai
- Inside Any task cards.
Jack S.
keven johnson
Openrouter Interesting.
But I think I'd rather plug in my own OpenAI API key.
People already know and use that.
Tony Pham
There are many ways to integrate AI into Upbase, and we're exploring the best options to make it useful for everyone. We might send out a survey soon to find out what features you'd like to see.
Tony Pham easiest solution would be to allow Upbase users to use their own OpenAI API keys. Everyone is familiar with that process and is responsible for their AI billing/expenses. No expenses hassle for Upbase team.
Vamfoom Yang
This is a highly requested feature. It's been 1.5 years. Has this been prioritized?
Jack S.
Jeremiah Stiles
Additional inspiration--this app uses conversations with your integrated ai coach to build goals, habits, milestones, etc. and report them as complete: https://www.summit.im/?utm_source=google-search&gclid=CjwKCAjwk8e1BhALEiwAc8MHiBuwpXxGVLc9-10rFfTkMuNWbxZ876aMohMiVgW07Q6gH9se-w2fgxoCDm4QAvD_BwE
I think this would especially be useful on the mobile app, which can benefit from a slimmed-down approach.
Jack S.
Interesting example.
▶️This also fits for: https://upbase.canny.io/feature-requests/p/habit-mood-energy-tracker
Jeremiah Stiles
Could it be linked to models running from the user's PC if they don't have an OpenAI API key? This option would help me, even though it would run slower locally.
Jack S.
I think yes, the best would be to connect external AIs using own API key (e.g. OpenAI API, Anthropic Claude etc.)
As for local models, there could be a problem, how to connect to them?âť“
This would have to be implemented with some functionality in the Chrome extension.
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